A mais recente versão do robot Atlas da Boston Dynamics (parte da Google) começa finalmente a aproximar a realidade à ficção científica. O novo modelo é mais pequeno que os anteriores e totalmente autónomo. No vídeo, o robot não só dispensa qualquer apoio humano, como ainda é capaz de suportar vários abusos e injúrias sem… Continue reading Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot
Category: English
Sebastian Wernicke: How to use data to make a hit TV show
Does collecting more data lead to better decision-making? Competitive, data-savvy companies like Amazon, Google and Netflix have learned that data analysis alone doesn’t always produce optimum results. In this talk, data scientist Sebastian Wernicke breaks down what goes wrong when we make decisions based purely on data — and suggests a brainier way to use… Continue reading Sebastian Wernicke: How to use data to make a hit TV show
Thomas Hellum: The world’s most boring television … and why it’s hilariously addictive
You’ve heard about slow food. Now here’s slow … TV? In this very funny talk, Norwegian television producer Thomas Hellum shares how he and his team began to broadcast long, boring events, often live — and found a rapt audience. Shows include a 7-hour train journey, an 18-hour fishing expedition and a 5.5-day ferry voyage… Continue reading Thomas Hellum: The world’s most boring television … and why it’s hilariously addictive
Pitfall Classic Postmortem With David Crane Panel at GDC 2011
David Crane, game writer, co-founder of Atari, founder of Activision on creating his mega-hit from the 80s “Pitfall”. He explains all the immense hardware limitations and how some smart-ass tricks produced one of the earliest most enticing games.
The JavaScript Inferno
Now over a year old but still a very good presentation by Rob Conery on the madness of JS frameworks. It compares Knockout, Backbone, Angular and Ember with examples. WDCNZ 2013: The JavaScript Inferno from WDCNZ on Vimeo.
In an imaginary dismal industrial world, a child needs to help his injured younger brother throughout a maze of dangers … a game that sounds like a lot of laughs 🙂 Presenting Monochroma. The concept and all the art work certainly merit a peek …
Marco Tempest: And for my next trick, a robot
Happy birthday B.A.S.I.C.
[B]eginners [A]ll-purpose [S]ymbolic [I]nstruction [C]ode turns 50!
Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim
Olho Biónico / Bionic Eye
Investigadores nos Estados Unidos desenvolvem sistemas que permitem uma recuperação parcial da visão a pessoas que cegaram devido a doenças degenerativas da retina. O mais promissor (e espectacular) é um sistema que implanta um chip no interior do globo ocular. O chip funciona na prática como uma câmara digital que capta as imagens em substituição… Continue reading Olho Biónico / Bionic Eye