The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

What he shares is almost scary. Even for people in the field it’s hard to keep up on just how advanced this area is getting (some of the stuff he shows was just developed in the last months). But the REALLY important message – for everybody – is in the last 2 minutes of the presentation.

Categorized as Life, TED

Thomas Hellum: The world’s most boring television … and why it’s hilariously addictive

You’ve heard about slow food. Now here’s slow … TV? In this very funny talk, Norwegian television producer Thomas Hellum shares how he and his team began to broadcast long, boring events, often live — and found a rapt audience. Shows include a 7-hour train journey, an 18-hour fishing expedition and a 5.5-day ferry voyage… Continue reading Thomas Hellum: The world’s most boring television … and why it’s hilariously addictive

Nick Hanauer: Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming

Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why a dramatic increase in minimum wage could grow the middle class, deliver economic prosperity …… Continue reading Nick Hanauer: Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming

Categorized as TED

Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration

How great ideas can be so simple … After re-purposing CAPTCHA so each human-typed response helps digitize books, Luis von Ahn wondered how else to use small contributions by many on the Internet for greater good. At TEDxCMU, he shares how his ambitious new project, Duolingo, will help millions learn a new language while translating… Continue reading Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.