“Terminator” Robot Set – First Parts Available Now :-)

This is another one of those things that really makes your jaw drop.

Robot technology development is gaining momentum and as it progresses we get more and more to see for real what was once part of science fiction stories.

Engineered at the Ishikawa Komuro Laboratory, this 3 fingered hand uses high-speed actuators with harmonic drive gears.  It can close in 1/10th of a second and the demonstration available shows it doing impressive feats of dexterity at an amazing speed.

You should note that along with walking, vision and intelligence, reproducing the human-hand dexterity has for long been one of the thoughest challenges to crack in terms of robotics.

So, sit back and watch in awe at a glimpse of what appears to be now a very near future, and imagine all the possibilities, both the good and the bad: